Thursday, July 27, 2006

Family Bible Camp

So this week is Family Bible Camp and Bible Conference. Let me say I'm enjoying it more than other weeks. I think this is because:

1. My husband has less to do this week so I'm able to spend more time with him.
2. The evening speaker is very good and each night is new material - not the same old recycled message for regular camp weeks.
And 3. I am reconnecting with some old friends that I haven't seen in years - it's very exciting to see who will show up each night.

My friend, Melanie is coming to visit me this weekend. I'm very excited - it will be just like old times with us starting these projects we'll never finish (let me re-phrase that: Me starting projects I will never finish and she'll finish hers because she's good about that) and watching crazy 80's movies that we know all the words to but like to laugh at all the same.

My husband texted me this afternoon saying that a fight had broke out in the cafeteria at camp. I did not expect this to happen during Bible Conference, but then again people are people. I wonder what it was about - will have to get the details when I see him tonight. Speaking of which, it is about time for me to leave - Yay!!


1 comment:

Mrs Vee said...

80s movies?? Bueller????

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