I actually finished something, can you believe it?!?! I started it back in June because I fell in love with the pattern. Toward the end there, it felt like it was taking forever, but the 7 hour car ride back from Virginia helped me with the final stretch. I modified the pattern just a bit by adding 2 rows of green as edging.

Because of the nature of the pattern, it came out quite wonky. I should have taken a picture pre-blocking, but I forgot.
Once I finished the baby blanket, I picked up my Cold Mountain stole again. I'm on chart C (which is the final chart), but have only just started that chart, so it could be awhile before I'm done. I can't wait to see how it looks blocked.

I've also started some plain, 2x2 rib socks for a friend. As you can see, I've got one sock done and just barely started the second. I was also too lazy to match up the color change in the yarn so they are completely matching. I hope she won't mind.